(NOTICE) General Rules of FastdrawUK Community Forum

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Staff member
FastdrawUK Team
Registered User
Nov 13, 2020
Overarching statement

Below are the rules for this forum, please take the time to read through this entire statement before posting or dealing with anything/anyone on this platform. This is an extremely important document to read and, hopefully it will answer any questions you may have on the rules and policies for this forum.

It also covers that puzzling dilemma which is buying, selling or trading anything with any other members on this forum, dependent on your access level.

Forum Rules

Treat other members with the respect they deserve, which should go without saying, and treat others like you would wish to be treated.

  • Please do not spam, the definition of spam is an irrelevant or advertising post that has no place or anything to do with any topics related to this forum. Any Post deemed to be spam will be removed and said individual who has spammed will be removed no exceptions.
  • Any insulting or personal attack including racial, political, defamation of character or just plain untrue remarks against any member of FDUK/Forum member or it’s founding group by any individual, or persons relating to that individual, will result in removal from this forum and could result in complete removal of FDUK membership.
  • Please be considerate in the language you use on the forum as some of our members are younger than others. Swearing is not completely banned, but we do ask that it is not used unnecessarily and if used minor words are potentially acceptable. A filter is in place on this forum and will flag up to one of our safeguarding team to investigate. Anyone found contravening this rule may find themselves removed from the forum.
  • No illegal activity is permitted, such as hacking accounts illegal download or torrents. Selling outside of the specific selling pages and all the selling of illegal items will be swiftly reported to the authorities and may result in removal from the platform. You may also be removed as a current member of FDUK.
  • Please do not post inappropriate material I think everyone has an understanding of what of this request or what this means. Simple policy is that if you would not feel comfortable viewing it at work, in a public place, front of children and/or parents, then it probably isn’t appropriate, so don’t post it.
  • The use of read text and complete block capitals is Forbidden. Read text will be used by safeguarding and platform staff only. Complete sentences in block capitals is considered shouting and is not necessary at all times. Again only moderators and platform staff may complete this action to bring something to all members attention quickly.
  • Only one account can be held by one user at a time. If it is found or reported that a user is or may be using a different account this will result in a removal from the platform and to the subsequent account/s being closed.
  • Each user is permitted to use their own account and designated password only. Do not share this with anyone as your privileges may be higher than others. This could be due to the fact that you’re an up-to-date Fast Draw UK member and continuous support may grant that access. If it is suspected that your password has been fraudulently shared with another member or non member you and that subsequent member will be removed from the forum and potentially removed as FDUK members.
  • Private messages are there for users to use in the correct manner any reports of unacceptable behaviour or suspected unacceptable behaviour will result in the safeguarding team investigating and any breach of aforementioned Rules will result in that member or members being removed from the platform/Forum.
  • Buying /Selling/Trading- this FDUK forum does not charge for this service. We do ask that donation be made by the seller / buyer if they wish to do so, this goes into the platforms maintenance/ continuous development and simply to keep it running for all our forum members.
  • All selling and trading listings must include a price. They must also include a description and up-to-date photograph off of the item they possess. If these are not completed the moderators of the platform or not allow the post to become live.
  • Selling and Trading – all these things must make the title as descriptive as possible so people know no exactly what they are looking at and what is for sale or up for trade in that listing. Again if this is not completed moderators of the platform will identify and remove any such listing.
  • Selling and Trading – all listings much contain a price for each individual item on sale, if you aren’t sure I’m pricing please contact admin on the admin button for guidance and Advice. DO Not post “Make me an offer” “Offers” or anything along those lines, as its unfair to new participants on the scene who haven’t had enough time to get an understanding of value on potential items. We here at FDUK have a plethora of working and concurrent knowledge, not to mention our members / founders who have many years experience within the country and western scene and they would be more than happy to offer guidance and advice where and when required.
  • You cannot sell anything you don’t have to hand or in your immediate possession. It’s the buyers right to request a current picture of the item or items for sale which will prove a timeline or that the item is currently with that seller. Any reports of suspicious behaviour will be dealt with via our safeguarding team and may lead to expulsion from the forum.
  • The seller must post the items condition with any identifying marks or features and produce corresponding pictures they are to be as descriptive as possible when posting any item for sale or trade.
  • All posts, including for sale/trade threads are required to be updated regularly. All Posts and threads must also be updated with sold or no longer available statuses when appropriate. If a post has no interactions or updates it will be removed. If a for sale or trade post again has no interactions or updates it’s this will be removed. Please be aware that regular failure to comply with this request could result in your removal from the platform. Top
  • Please do not post external links to your advert or in trying to describe your advert or in any threads that you may be involved in. Please make sure all your threads posts are your own and not copied and pasted from anybody else or any other platform.
  • No Low-Balling – This means do not post on something that clearly is not valued at that price, We are very much aware that this is to gain more interest or “hits” and messages on your post. Other methods that are not allowed but not exhaustive are things such as £12345 / £54321 or any other format. £0 Is also not acceptable, this again may result in the post being deleted and potential removal of the person posting.
  • List clear payment methods i.e. PayPal, Bank Transfer, Cheque, Cash on collection, etc...... please remember that fast draw UK have members from all over the world which is still growing so currency exchange rates may vary and differ from country to country. Please remember items entering the UK maybe should get to UK customs and VAT charges and any item that is under the violent crime reduction act maybe subject to that countries laws.
  • Any item sold that are covered in the violent crime reduction act – may be sold to persons over the age of 21. This is not negotiable for the FDUK forum and platform this guidance must be adhered to at all times. Any of the rulings the VCR act relates to must be followed explicitly to the letter.
  • Do your research when buying selling or trading, if you are unsure please contact admin or the safeguarding team and we will try to advise on all matters.
  • We expect all members of this forum to be treated with respect and that respect entwined with honesty and integrity any member appearing to bring this group into disrepute will be dealt with by the FDUK team accordingly using their discretion where necessary. This should go without saying however any member of this forum that feels they have been unfairly treated or believe they have been the victim of dishonest behaviour regarding information passed, privacy or from a pricing (buying/selling) standpoint by another user/member, please advise the FDUK admin and safeguarding team to discuss, we will attempt to advise and investigate the matter promptly. We will keep both parties up to date as we complete our investigation. Once again if this behaviour is apparent it will result in subsequent party being removed from the platform and forum.

Copyright © 2021 FastDrawUK Re-Enactment Society​
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